What the Heck Are We Having for Dinner? HELP!
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Hi there, friend! Are you struggling with a dinner menu? That is paralyzing, isn’t it? And I find that as a mom and wife, this decision is ultimately mine (following the “I don’t know. What do you want to have for dinner?” battle, or worse the unhelpful “Food?” answer). Don’t worry, I know what you’re having for dinner!
The following post contains affiliate links for Sun Basket. If you click a link and make a purchase, I will receive a commission at no extra cost to you. I participate in the Sunbasket Affiliate Program as well, so if you use my link, you will receive a discount on your first order.
A while back, I did a quick intro on how I plan my dinners for two weeks at a time. This helps us to budget and minimize our trips to the grocery store. Funny enough, I started doing this before we were told to avoid going out. Go figure.
The good news is that I know for sure this method works. We keep our food budget under control, have home cooked meals every night of the week, and I don’t have to put on a suit of armor to do battle with my husband every night.
So, How Does This Work?
First of all, grab a notepad. It’s more fun to write it by hand, but it also engrains it into your memory better. That way when someone inevitably whines, “Whaaaat’s for dinnnnerrrrrrrr???” You just know, and can save the exasperated sighs for the socks someone left on the front table.
Second, pick a couple of “theme” nights. This not only makes it more fun, but it’s easier to plan and remember. It’s a memory tool and a planning tool at the same time. Plus, you’re never locked into your themes. If Taco Tuesday ever gets boring, it can very quickly become Thai Tuesday.
Third, note which is your busiest, most tired night. For me, that is historically Thursday. Monday to Wednesday, our dinners are pretty fun, but by Thursday, nothing is fun enough to make me want to cook. That, and we can’t ever seem to do dishes after Wednesday dinner, so…
On my busiest night, Thursday, I make a frozen dinner. Sometimes it’s BirdsEye Voila meals because I know there are a lot of veggies in there, and they’re pretty good on Weight Watchers’ points.
And finally, pick a night that is a treat. Maybe this is date night! For us, this is Saturdays. They’re religiously pizza night. We put the baby to bed, and make a delicious homemade pizza, drink beer, and watch a movie. Make it special for you!

What Are You Having for Dinner, Then?
I told you I know what you’re having for dinner, didn’t I? Well, I obviously don’t have eyes in your house, so there’s a solid chance you don’t have the same ingredients as me in your pantry and fridge. But let’s take a whack at a dinner plan for this week.
Are you looking for a Meat-free and Dairy-Free option? You’re having Tofu Burrito Bowls!
What about Meat-free and Soy-free? Looks like you’re having 4 Cheese Broccoli Mac. This one can be gluten-free if you use the right pasta.
Maybe you want meat, but don’t have time to thaw any. Well, if you have a kielbasa, you can still have Jambalaya or Chili tonight with a side of Garlic Cheddar Biscuits.
Make a Couple Nights Really Easy
Back in January, my sister and brother-in-law sent us a free box for meal delivery. It was a lot of fun to pick out new and interesting meal ideas and then having everything that you needed to be shipped to you was really nice, too.
We had a lot of fun with that, so we decided to test out a couple of different services and compare them. I think the one that made me feel the best was the Sun Basket option. The ingredients are the most customizable if you want to choose more sustainable upgrades, like grass-fed, free-range, or wild-caught.
And we aren’t necessarily on a diet, but we do like to watch what we’re eating. Sun Basket has low-carb, gluten-free, soy-free, low-calorie, and paleo options, so I feel like it’s friendly to most dietary restrictions.
Plus, they have options that you just have to throw into the oven. That’s seriously such a relief to me. You can also add on smoothies, breakfasts, lunches, and one-offs, too, in case you just need a couple of chicken breasts or something to stretch the meal.
Something else to note about Sun Basket is that they have continued service during this Coronavirus outbreak, and they offer an option to donate meals to emergency workers. You can also send a gift card to someone who could use a hand.
I’m sorry if this sounds too much like an ad (it is an affiliate post, but still). They impressed me quite a bit with their options and services. I just want to give you an honest opinion on a good meal delivery service. We’re looking forward to our next box.
Planning What You’re Having for Dinner with a Subscription Box
For me, having that box of meals delivered right to my door certainly helps a ton. However, I still have to plan around the box. Sometimes, my box is delivered later in the day than we eat dinner. That’s fine. The point is you should have a back-up plan.
Here’s what my week looks like when I get a Sun Basket, which comes on a Tuesday:
Sunday: Fried Rice (with Leftover Rice from lunch prep) + Frozen Dumplings
Monday: Pasta and Meatsauce with Meatless Crumbles
Tuesday: Sun Basket – Salmon Tacos (with black beans?)
Wednesday: Sun Basket – Beef Kebabs and Blueberry Arugula Salad
Thursday: BirdsEye Meal – Chicken Alfredo
Friday: Grilled Turkey Burger Salad and Air Fries
Saturday: Breakfast Pizza
Building the Grocery List Based on What We’re Having for Dinner
From here, I just have to build up the grocery list. Keep in mind that I’ll build my menu for two weeks at a time, and the above menu is for one week.
I start with ingredients that I don’t yet have for the above meals. I need a bag of frozen veggies for the fried rice. Then, if we do want black beans with our tacos, I’d have to add that to the list as well. For the salad on Friday, we need ground turkey and lettuce, and we’re short on ketchup, too.
Don’t Forget Lunch and Breakfast Ingredients
From there, I think about what we need to prep our lunches. I do jars of chicken, broccoli, and rice most weeks, so I just make sure we have all those things. I might add to the grocery list that we should look for some fun sauces to make lunch fun. I like getting curry sauces, in particular.
Breakfast is usually eggs or oatmeal. I’ll add a couple of bags of frozen berries and frozen spinach to the list. That way I have something nutritious to pack good things into breakfast.
Snacks and Treats are Important, Too
Nearing the end, I assess our snacks. My husband always needs chips, and my daughter’s diet is like 30% Aldi cheese crackers. I like having apples, bananas, baby carrots, Greek yogurt, peanut butter, and hummus around. If any of those things are short, you know, add it to the list.
And finally, I think about treats. What are we baking this week, or what could we bake? Obviously, we have to keep a store of flour, sugar, brown sugar, and leavening agents. What else do I need? Do I have chocolate chips and sprinkles for fun?

If You Want More Help…
If you want a basic interactive meal planner, a more involved menu planner, or a pantry staples list, subscribe for my free downloadable worksheets.
You can also fill out a contact form and let me know what your usual meal prepping or meal planning hang ups are. I’d love to offer my assistance. As a note, I am not a registered dietician or an expert, just someone who loves food and does a lot of prepping and planning.
Comment below with your favorite meal planning hacks, and don’t forget to check out Sun Basket. If you want to try it out, click here for my code for $40 off your first box (I also receive $40 off my subscription when you sign up).
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